Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Glass Castle: P3

Hard to distinguish, but the Glass Castle "blueprints" made by Rex Walls. 
Another empty promise
Eventually, after the death of Erma (Rex's mother), countless nights of Rex leaving and not coming home, fights in Welsh, and a drunken father 95% of the time, Jeannette and Brian try to persuade their mother to leave their father. This is a very bold move for the children, and I'm appalled that Rose Mary stays with him.

Dreaming of a life better than the one they have now, Lori gets the opportunity to leave for New York. Jeannette plans with her to meet up after she settles down there, and Jeannette can start a life there as well. I'm thrilled when this part of the book happens. Life is finally working out for them. Soon, they bring Brian and Maureen up to New York as well, and everyone is happy (including myself).

Like a bad penny, Rex and Rose Mary always show up. The attempt to come to New York on their own and end up homeless. Eventually Rex dies from disease and Rose Mary is on her own. Jeannette is lost in the couple years that follow. I'd think she'd be happy to rid of her father, but I still see her sadness. Lori takes in Rose Mary, Jeannette finds a new husband to marry, Brian has a daughter and does amazing work for the police force, and Maureen moves to California. I think all of the children's lives ended the way they should have, and they have a back story that shaped them into amazing people.

I loved this book. It made me realize how hard life can be for others and that we often don't stop to think about that.

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